A collection of school assignments steered towards one single universe - the one originally created by Anaïs Mitchell and turned into a Tony awarded broadway musical, Hadestown!
The Flock
Visual development exercises of an original idea for a videogame. You play as a border collie who woke up to find that her flock of sheep has escaped, each one with different reasons for it inspired by different schools of philosophy.
Matilda Re-Design
A number of assignments tasking us with redesigning a nostalgic film or show of our choice. In this case, I chose 1995's adaptation of Roald Dahl's story "Matilda" to the silver screen, directed by Danny DeVitto.
Assorted drawings
Initial drawings for an abandoned project.
Storyboard - Group project
A group project where a simple story was created alongside two other students (Georgios Sakalakis and William Guevara). I was tasked to develop the storyboard.

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